Sunday, May 26, 2013

Get Your Free Copy of Food Bubble Here!

Let's face it. Most people haven't a clue what's coming. The mainstream news isn't talking about it. The government's playing dumb.

That's why Survival Joe wrote Food Bubble. It took well over 40 hours of research, writing and editing to condense all that information down to about 30 easy-to-read pages with practical what-to-do information.

It was written to help the average Joe with a busy family life who can't spend hours surfing conspiracy theory websites. We believe that the more people who get a copy of Food Bubble, the more chance we all have of getting through the coming food crisis.

All you need to do to get a copy of Food Bubble is subscribe to our newsletter. To subscribe just enter your email address in the form below and hit submit. We will send you an email with your copy of Food Bubble as an attachment. You can read it on your computer screen or print it out.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Emergency Survival Kit a Best Way of Disaster Recovery

By offthegridnews

Disasters can strike in life any time. It is not possible to predict the disasters that can make our living style tough, but it is quit possible to prevent their harmful effects by using emergency survival products.

Disasters can strike in life any time. It is not possible to predict the disasters that can make our living style tough. After a significantly diminished Hurricane Irene brushed up against our east coast, many people wanted to snicker about what they considered overblown hype in the face of the storm. Past hurricanes such as Camille, Ivan, Frederick, Rita, and Katrina made Irene pale in comparison. So it is now a serious matter that how to survive in these tough conditions when the life is not going to be easy.

In situations like this, businesses could suffer huge losses, especially in terms of loss of business data. To stay prepared, businesses should consider disaster recovery services - these can help them get back on their feet quickly. In essence, the key to successful disaster recovery is to have a realistic and well-understood set of objectives based on business needs. This involves planning and analysis, business impact, understanding and quantification of risks.

Disaster Recovery Planning

A complete and well prepared disaster recovery plan and successful execution of its in favor people will be helpful to recover all the losses that happened due to disasters. It should have emergency survival kit that needs to include all emergency survival products.

What Emergency Survival Kit Contain?

Depending upon a scenario of emergency the need of emergency survival products may be anything but a best emergency survival kit contains all the primary emergency survival products which we need during emergency. There are lots of survival products that can help but the most important products like first aid kit, food, water, money, communication devices and survival books always should be in emergency survival kit.

Another thing you don't want to forget is having enough money and your important documents. The emergency survival kits should also contain extra cash and credit or debit cards. It is also a good idea to have a extra set of clothes. Be sure to also have insurance policies, bank records and identification documents in a waterproof container.

I would like to suggest also adding: Portable radio, Spare batteries, Flashlights, Blankets, extra trousers and shirts, extra medication, Pocket knife, Water as one gallon per day is recommended for every member of the household. Also waterproof matches, sleeping bags; emergency candles are necessary items for a best emergency survival kit.

Need of Emergency Survival Supplies

Emergency survival kits are a necessity for every home and outdoor excursion, because the emergency and disaster can happen any time. So a well prepared survival kit is essential to overcome in these emergency situations. Your survival kit should contain enough food, water and other supplies that will last you for this length of time. As stated earlier, an emergency can strike at any time; so having a small yet essential survival kit on your person could save your life. is the best source of off the grid news which will guide you to choose best emergency survival supplies to create an emergency survival kit. For more information visit: is the best source of off the grid news which will guide you to choose best emergency survival supplies to create an emergency survival kit. For more information visit:

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